Getting back into the groove

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Starting the semester by making a commitment to being organized can help you avoid feeling stressed out and overwhelmed later on.

In a way, the start of a new school term signifies a new step forward in life. When you enter a new year, there is a sort of excitement to go back and get into the routine — the first couple months seem like you're at your peak in terms of organization and initiative.

However, winter can be different. In the weeks you have off, you have some time to recharge your batteries, but this can be difficult as the Christmas break seems to end sooner than you expect. Below is a list of some things I do to ensure that I can get back in the school routine painlessly.

Maintain a sleep schedule: Staying up late has its perks over break periods, but can be disastrous to your psyche when you return. Your body gets used to waking up at noon or later, so when the time comes to rise up at 8 a.m. for your first class, dragging yourself to it feels like carrying a ton of bricks. If you can, ease yourself into a decent schedule a week or so before.

Start organizing early: Prepare whatever tools you use in class a couple days beforehand. Make use of a planner or calendar if you haven't yet — it's worth it.

Eat right: Buy some decent food for the week. I like pizza as much as the next guy, but living off junk food isn't going to make your first weeks back very pleasant. Fruits and vegetables will do more good for your body than a Big Mac.

Review, then review again: If you're continuing classes from the previous semester, try to go over some stuff before your first class back. It can be tedious, but you'll be off to a better start than most, and professors will take notice.

Learn your way around: For first-years, especially Gen. Ed. courses, the school can seem like a big maze. If possible, see if you can find some time to check where your classes are. If you have a school map, you can even do this at home to get a rough idea of where you need to go. It beats that brief but super awkward moment of being late and having an entire lecture hall glare at you.

Think about your drink: Don't get hammered before the first day. The first day back during the winter term is definitely not something to get stoked on.

Some of these may seem like no-brainers, but I think we could all use a reminder to keep ourselves in check. Maintaining this initiative may be a story for a different day, but for the first week back, try to put in the effort for your own sake.