Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: COFFEEWITHWENDY.COM
There will be sun, just hold on.

From the deepest depths of hurt and misery, it is hard to find your way to the surface. It's a bitter sting when you feel rejection. You may think there will never be another individual who connects with you as the one who left.

I tasted the bitterness and hopelessness of facing rejection after having thought I had found the one. In my mind, relationships are serious, something I go after with all I am for the long run. Being left abandoned by the one you trust, whether for the wrong or right reasons, does feel like a bucket of cold water on your head. But the last thing it means is giving up on you.

Somehow, the winter cold is a welcome feeling for your hurting heart. The numbness feels like a stark relief against the hurt. Letting the period of catharsis go at full force by embracing the emotions and letting it out is normal and definitely necessary.

As low as you may feel, you are entirely capable of living without your ex. It may seem impossible at first, but it will happen. Remember that you are worth more than you may believe and should not settle for anything less. It may simply mean this fish was not the right one from the sea.

There are so many experiences waiting for you to enjoy and capitalize on. Regroup and recover; it's okay to show weakness because the experience will make you stronger. Take the time to grieve but then move on and take control of your life. You are too good to be dictated by the past, those “what ifs” will not do any good.

What hurts badly now will eventually be a distant memory. The journey of recovery will not be easy, but take comfort that others have felt the same and made it through. You will find something (or someone) bigger and better. You will be more certain of what you are looking for and by loving and caring for yourself; others will appreciate, believe and see the same in yourself as well.

There is happiness. Focus on you and on improving yourself mentally and physically. Before you know it, time will heal wounds and dull the pain. You may look back and realize things that you didn't see before because you were previously blind to due to the freshness of emotions. There is always something to learn from each relationship; everything is a culmination that will bring you to your destination.

The downside to letting it out after a break up? The number of trees it felt like I went through in tissues — luckily it is not a common occurrence!

Editorial opinions or comments expressed in this online edition of Interrobang newspaper reflect the views of the writer and are not those of the Interrobang or the Fanshawe Student Union. The Interrobang is published weekly by the Fanshawe Student Union at 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd., P.O. Box 7005, London, Ontario, N5Y 5R6 and distributed through the Fanshawe College community. Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters are subject to editing and should be emailed. All letters must be accompanied by contact information. Letters can also be submitted online by clicking here.