Turn Boring Spaces Beautiful: Choosing the perfect paint colour

With there being over thousands of colours offered to us today, it can lead us to feeling a little overwhelmed with what colour to pick for our space. Not only are there thousands of colours; you have to choose between what tint, tone or shade you want of that colour. Picking out the perfect paint colour isn't always an easy task!

There is so much pressure into picking the perfect paint colour, you want to get it right the first time around because no one wants to spend the extra time and money to reprime and then repaint the room... but how do you pick the perfect paint colour?

Luckily, there is an easy step-by- step process.

First you must have your fabrics picked for the space; it is much easier to pick a colour when you have fabric to inspire you and to compare colours to.

Next is to select a colour that will compliment your fabric, it could be a colour that is within the fabric, a neutral that will balance a crazy pattern or a compliment colour to your fabric.

Compliment colours:
Blue — Orange
Red — Green
Yellow — Purple

Once you have decided on the colour the next step is to choose the tint, tone or shade. You may be wondering what the differences are between a tint, tone and shade. A tint is adding white to your colour, tone is adding grey and shade is adding black. Sometimes the colour of the hue isn't exactly what you are looking for, so changing the tint, tone or shade can make it exactly what you want.

Choosing what type of feel you want for the space (cozy, airy or calming) is another aspect you must keep in mind while picking out a paint colour. If you want a cozy space choosing darker warm colours (tones) will do just the trick, but I don't recommend putting dark colours in a smaller room with not a lot of windows, it will certainly make the space feel like a small box. If you are looking for an airy feel I highly recommend using an off white or pastel colours (tints). These types of colours are great for making your space look bigger. If you desire to have a calming paint colour then I suggest a colour between light and dark (tone). These colours are great for a larger space that do not have lots of windows, it will give you a cozy feel without making your space feel like a box.

With thousands of colours with many tints, tones and shades puts pressure on picking the perfect paint colour. By following these simple steps and knowing what type of feel you want for your room picking a paint colour should be easier than you thought! Have the perfect paint colour the first time you paint!