Start the conversation at Ladies Night November 4

Motivation speaker and personal coach Nova Browning Rutherford will be hosting Ladies Night.
Personal development coach and motivational speaker Nova Browning Rutherford is making at stop at Fanshawe College to talk to the ladies on campus November 4 at The Out Back Shack.
Sorry fellas, you’re not invited.
Browning Rutherford worked in the music business where she was exposed to a “groupie lifestyle.” It was during that time that she realized her growing concern for groupies.
“I’d be at the same parties as this young woman but we were there for very different reasons,” she said. “I was always concerned for her and what happened to her next and how she got there.”
Browning Rutherford says she’s always been an approachable person and found that artists and management would go to her with personal challenges outside of the professional capacity.
“I just started seeing affirmation that this was a line of work for me and I gained a lot of experience of what to do and what not to do,” she said. “When my core values didn’t align with the music industry … I had to step away and this became a natural fit for me.”
In group settings like the November 4 event, Browning Rutherford says she talks mainly about relationships, coping with transition and self esteem.
“When I say relationships I do mean romantic and toxic relationships, family, platonic relationships, office/co-workers – any human relationship that can get a little hairy,” she said. “They really intersect at all points of our lives.”
Browning Rutherford says while more males are approaching her about coaching, this event is dedicated to women.
“When women get together talking about our issues that affect us, it’s a completely different conversation than if men were in the room,” she said. “It will be very, very open … Just girlfriends talking – but there’s a lot of girlfriends.”
She’s never met the attendees but she’s a way of becoming “the friend.”
“This is a gift I have,” she said. “I’m very forthright, I’m genuine, I’m approachable, I’m a very friendly person and I’ve gone through a myriad of life experiences … I’ve been there.”
“This is someone who’s gone through it and not only does she have the balls to tell me about it, I feel like I can trust her.”
The goal she wants to accomplish at Ladies Night is simple.
“To create an opportunity for dialogue that continues long after I’ve left,” she said. “To remind [the ladies] that life is very long and that it’s up to you to hang on and keep going … the qualities they gain in these kinds of challenges – they’re not for nothing.”
She encourages all women to come.
“They’ll get an honest dialogue about real life things that women are dealing with now … from a big sister,” she said. “They’re not going to get it anywhere else.”
Being a third party is helpful when talking to strangers.
“You’re neutral and you’re objective and my own interests aren’t at play,” she said. “For me it doesn’t matter – I just want you to be happy.”
“When you win, I win. That’s all that’s in it for me.”
Join in on the conversation on November 4 at 8 p.m. at The Out Back Shack. Tickets can be purchased at the Biz Booth and are $2 for students and $5 for guests.
Learn more about Browning Rutherford at