Sweet Tweets of the Week (March 30th)

What’s the best April Fool’s prank you’ve pulled?


Bailey Lowry Back in the days of desktop computers I put tape over the ball in the mouse so that the mouse didn’t work. I was a horrible prank

Lauren Leona Me and my sister put honey on our Aunts doorknob


selene_mayhew I put toothpaste on my friends bagel and told her it was cream cheese. She ate it and freaked out ahaha

harryiswhite Folded ketchup packs and put em under the toilet seat my sister was pretty upset

atolie Shaving cream in my roomies shoes and the honey on the laundry room door knob for when she went to go clean them. Awful!!

shelbandty Saran wrap around the toilet bowl, and baby powder in the blow dryer to my mother for both, haha

Next week: What’s your favourite board game? Answer with a tweet using #FSUInterrobang by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1 and you will enter a draw for a $10 Oasis/Out Back Shack gift certificate. Must be a current Fanshawe student to win.