10 practical ways to look after your mental health at Fanshawe

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Ask for help

1. Ask for help

It's okay to talk about your feelings. Counselling and Accessibility office is in Room F2010

Eat Well

2. Eat Well

Make heart healthy choices.

Keep in touch

3. Keep in touch

Call your friends and loved ones often.

Be yourself

4. Be yourself

Take a break

5. Take a break

Take breaks and let your brain rest.

Do things you enjoy

6. Do things you enjoy

Join a club. Visit FSU.ca/clubs

Drink sensibly

7. Drink sensibly

Check your drinking at FSU.ca/CYD

Help others

8. Help others

Give back! Visit FSU.ca/volunteering-options.php

Manage stress

9. Manage stress

Visit ICOPEU.com/fanshawe

Keep active

10. Keep active

Keep moving! Visit fanshawec.ca/athletics