Fat Lady superhero next to save the globe

An international hunt that spanned five continents over the past six-months has finally come to an end and the World's Next Top Superhero is none-other than Fat Lady.

Originally scouted by producers of the reality show at a McDonald's restaurant in Ohio while eating a multiple of hamburgers at an incredible speed, Fat Lady, aka Karen Whopper, competed against some of the world's upper echelon of superheroes to earn top marks with judges.

“Her ability to not only move with alarming agility and speed, but with grace was what set her over the top in my opinion,” said World's Next Top Superhero judge, Astro Boy, who was best known for his work on the 1960's cartoon of the same name.

“She really won me over, you know, in the heart,” Astro Boy said fighting back tears after Fat Lady was announced the winner.

Throughout the show Fat Lady proved that she could handle her own against superheroes like Beaver Boy, who could chomp through wood to save lives, and The Flaming Carrot, who although constantly on fire, did manage to save a woman from drowning. Fat Lady's abilities included being able to tackle villains and suffocate them to death, as well as jump from tall buildings and bounce back up to the top.

“This is the best thing that has ever happened to me,” said Fat Lady as she accepted her award of a lifetime supply of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. “I will never go hungry again.”

With eleven of the top competitors living in a cave in Gotham City for six months as they were put through rigorous superhero assignments, Fat Lady gradually appeared as the heavyweight in the competition…continued on page B5

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005