Clinton socialite a real party girl

Photographers don't always know how to distinguish ditzy Clinton party goer Wendy Jackerson.

“I was once identified as a girl named Steph Nixon,” Jackerson said the other night. “I first moved back to Clinton, and I was at the Bowling Alley Party, and it was in a magazine called Clinton Today, which does not exist anymore, and there's a picture of me with my gold Judith Leiber bag, which I still have, because I think someone asked me to hold it up—Fancy! Hey!—and then they, like, misidentified my name anyway. But then everyone was like, ‘Oh, like, I saw a picture of you—but it's not you!' That was, like, my first picture in a magazine.” That was in 2001.

Ever since then, Jackerson, pictured right, has worked away at the job of going out. She dresses up and shows up without fail, thereby eliminating the opportunities of misidentification.

“My mom helps me get dressed sometimes, 'cause I don't—like, if I have something difficult, you know, to put on, I don't have a roommate and I don't have a husband or boyfriend, so like what am I gonna do? I'm not gonna call, like, a doorman or something!” She lives on Main Street between Park and Emerald. Her parents live uptown. Her father is a psychiatrist and is still trying desperatley to understand what went wrong with his daughter and secretly wishes she were the milkman's.

Jackerson's education included going to Law School despite her mother's objections.

“I don't know that she's necessarily proud that I quit—don't say that—I think it's more that I don't think she thought it was for me. I don't think she thought that I was the lawyer type. Like, I'm left-handed! I think she thought I was more artistic.”

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005