Overcoming lack of motivation

Now that classes are in person, it can be overwhelming running all over and then coming home to more responsibilities.
I don’t know about you, but I have been feeling so incredibly burnt out lately. Something tells me I’m not the only one. It gets old to hear every day, but yes. Everything is now “normal” after a two-year pandemic and the sheer amount of people out and about now can be so overwhelming. Not to mention going from being a hermit on a computer all day to now going to classes and jobs in person. It can be a lot. That’s a long-winded way to say I’m tired. Really tired. But, that’s OK.
If you are feeling this way and are struggling to find motivation, I’ve done some research that will hopefully help both of us out.
According to mentalhealth.org.uk, there’s a list of things you can do to try and overcome a lack of motivation.
1. Break tasks into manageable chunks: This is always recommended when you have a lot on the go. It is such a great idea, but some people who tend to overwork themselves struggle to do this. But, if you break tasks up into one task a day leading up to your deadlines, it gives you a bit of a break and will hopefully prevent complete burnout and not wanting to do anything.
2. Write down each positive thing you experience throughout the day: It doesn’t even have to be every single positive thing. It can be one thing that made you happy; as simple as, “I saw a groundhog today on campus.” Yes, that is a reallife example of my personal positives lately! Find those little gems in your day that make you smile. It can help to make an overall hectic and crazy day seem a little more manageable.
3. Give yourself credit for the small things you do: This! This is a crucial step in overcoming a lack of motivation. Some days, especially if you struggle with mental health issues like depression or anxiety, showering can be a lot of work and a great feat. It doesn’t matter what others think, big or small: you did that. You got out of bed, you showered, you brushed your teeth, you had breakfast, whatever it might be. Celebrate that and give yourself the credit you deserve. Most of all, be gentle and kind to yourself. You’re doing your best.
4. Have some ‘me time:’ Read a book, watch some Netflix, or go for a walk. Whatever it is that makes you happy and enjoy yourself, prioritize that. Especially as you continue to stay busy, that time is crucial to stay motivated.
These are just suggestions. You don’t have to follow them, but from personal experience, they do help to get back into the groove of things. If there’s one thing you take away, it’s to be kind to yourself. All you can do is your best. If you need help, there is help around the college within the Counselling and Accessibility team, your peers, or professors. Don’t feel guilty if you need to put your mental health first.
Counselling and Accessibility can be reached at 519-452-4282 or counselling@nullfanshawec.ca. If you’re having a crisis, you can contact The Support Line offered by the Canadian Mental Health Association for London and Middlesex at 519-433-2023.