FUEL teams prepare for playoffs

More updates soon to come as the playoff season gets underway.
The semester is getting closer to exam week and that means playoffs are getting closer too for the Fanshawe Ultimate Esports League (FUEL) teams. The Rainbow Six Siege (R6) team are still on an incredible winning streak sitting in first place in the National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC) Challengers East Division. R6 are sitting with seven wins and zero losses so far. Kennisis is the substitute for the R6 team but has been filling in for Tucker for the past few games. The team has been dominating NECC and still hopes to keep this momentum going through the rest of their season. The R6 academy team is cutting it close though on making it into playoffs. Right now, the team has three more games but are sitting with two wins and four losses. Kenny from the R6 academy team still has a lot of hope.
“We will get it though, trust the PROCESS,” Kenny said.
The Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) team are starting their playoff action in the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) league. The FUEL team is in first place with six wins and one loss in the East 2A conference. The team is now in the Open Plus 2 groups for playoffs and are taking on Northwestern CS for their first game. Oogasplada FUEL CS:GO team captain is excited to start playoffs in NACE but mentions that they could make it into the playoffs in the FACEIT Pro league but it is not guaranteed at the moment. The whole team has been playing incredibly well together and loves to celebrate after their big wins. Oogasplada has made some phenomenal plays though in their matches and even got an ace on a pistol round in their last match against Oklahoma State University.
Slow but gradual improvements are happening with the FUEL Valorant teams. The FUEL team are out of two leagues for the playoffs but still have hope in NECC. The Fuel team are in fifth place with four wins and four losses. They recently won three games back to back and started to find a flow to win rounds in their matches. FUEL Valorant team captain Boyc3 mentioned that they are guaranteed playoffs in NECC but they still have a week left of regular season left to play. Unfortunately the team is coming off of a tough 2-1 loss in a best out of three matchup against Seneca college in NECC. The Academy are out of playoffs for the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) but both FUEL Academy and Rising teams still have a week left of regular games to play in the NECC League. FUEL Academy recently lost 2-0 to Bryant Gold and FUEL Rising lost 2-0 as well to uOttawa Black in their best out of three matchups.
Driving over to the FUEL Rocket League (RL) teams, there are still some battles going on as they try to sneak their way into the playoffs. For FUEL RL, they did not make the playoffs in NACE and had three wins and four losses in the end overall. Leopard from the Fuel RL team mentions that they are still fighting for a spot in NECC though.
“We need to win the next two games to make it into the playoffs,” Leopard said.
They have made the playoffs though for ECAC and ended the regular season with six wins and two losses overall. On the FUEL RL Academy side, they are currently starting round one of the playoffs in NACE, missed out on making playoffs in ECAC but in NECC they are unsure yet if they made it yet since the scoreboard is not updated. They are sitting in either fifth or sixth place though with a three win and three loss record for NECC. The top eight teams will move onto playoffs.
The FUEL Overwatch team are preparing for their playoffs to start but the team started to make incredible improvements halfway through this season. The team has a five win and three loss record but kept it positive in map and round differentials. Their first playoff game will be in the first week of April. In Apex the FUEL team has qualified for advance finals in the Telus league and in the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) league, they competed in the Challenger Circuit one and are currently going into round two. Some rescheduling was happening around the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate FUEL team in the NECC but they might have a chance of making it into the playoffs. They are in fifth place with a three win and two loss record. The top four teams from each conference make it to the playoffs and since FUEL has some games to catch up on with the reschedules they do have a chance of being in that top four group.
A lot of confusion, last minute player changes and some upsets have been happening with the FUEL Call of Duty (CoD) team. In the College CoD League (CCL) the team is eighth place with a five win and six loss record in the northeast standings. For their last match-up they had Noted being substituted in for Cure on the starting lineup. Cure has been mentioning that he might retire CoD for a bit due to some personal reasons but has mentioned that he is upset with how this season has been going in the CCL. More than one team has been caught “ringing” in their match-ups. The term “ringing” means when someone else is playing on one of the players’ accounts in the match who is actually not registered to play. After investigations Bleepa from Northwood University is prohibited from participating in the rest of this CCL season. University of Toronto has been disqualified from the rest of the 2023 spring season. After recent incidents of players “ringing” the CCL has stated that all players that were involved from the University of Toronto team are being permanently banned for repeating the same violations back in 2022 as well.
More updates soon to come as the playoff season gets underway. Make sure to keep updated with all of the latest information on The Fuel Report that’s live every Saturday at 6 p.m.