Exec Corner: Choosing the right decisions

Everyday we make choices whether they are good ones, bad ones, or maybe choices that don't require any thoughts. Regardless, that's life and as humans these decisions always have their consequences and repercussions. This article isn't going to tell you how to make good decisions, because frankly no one is a professional at making good choices, much less me. After reading this article however, you may think twice when making decisions.

I can think of many examples of choices we make everyday, but one that comes to mind would be going on a date. One must decide where to go and what you are going to do. This decision is usually the male's responsibility (except for some girls who would prefer to plan the dates out themselves, like my friend Rubelyn). It's usually in the best interest of the gentleman, or who ever plans the evening, to choose something both parties in the relationship will enjoy. These can be difficult decisions to make. Especially when the chooser may not know their partner as well as they may think.

As students we make decisions that could affect our performance in school every day. Some decisions may be going out during the week, going to bed early, or waking up on time to make an 8am class. These decisions, although hard at times, can impact our lives and really have a huge impact on our futures.

Another decision we must face every day is how to spend our money. These decisions are becoming more important to us now than ever before. If you think about it, everything we do is a decision whether we are aware of it or not. Each decision we make paves our way for the future. Although some decisions may have more of an affect than other decisions, some how they can really impact our lives.

Last but not least if you can take anything away from my article, just remember this. You are responsible for every action you make so try make sure you're making the right one or at least learn from your mistakes.