Preventing the spread of COVID-19 this fall

Be mindful of COVID-19 numbers this cold and flu season, and protect yourself and others.

The start of a new school year means the coming together of thousands of students at Fanshawe’s various campuses. It’s also the beginning of cold and flu season, and with COVID-19 cases still being reported across Canada, students are being advised to stay mindful of protecting themselves and others as they return to campus.

According to the government of Canada, there remains moderate activity of COVID-19 exposure in Ontario, with current activity levels being tracked by percent positivity, long-term care facility outbreaks per one million population, and wastewater trends. Ontario’s current COVID-19 activity level assessments are based on data from provincial and territorial partners for the week of Aug. 4 to Aug. 10.

While over 80 per cent of Canada’s population has received at least one dose of a COVID- 19 vaccine, the risk of spread is still present. Percent positivity of COVID-19 in Ontario has been rising in recent weeks, according to information from Public Health Ontario.

Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.


While there are no current COVID-19 policies in place at Fanshawe College, the guidance from the Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU) for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 is as follows:

  • Screen yourself daily for respiratory symptoms.
  • Stay home if you're sick — if you have respiratory symptoms, self-isolate and follow the self-isolation instructions.
  • Keep your vaccines up to date (COVID-19 and influenza)
  • Wear a mask when it feels right for you.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Clean surfaces regularly.

If you are sick, the MLHU suggests wearing a well-fitted mask in public settings once your symptoms improve and avoiding non-essential activities and visits with high-risk individuals.

Students can keep track of COVID-19 cases in the community via Public Health Ontario, and the government of Canada’s COVID-19 epidemiology tracker. The MLHU’s website, meanwhile, has information related to preventing the spread of COVID and other respiratory illnesses.