Ladies, it's a man thing

What does Sunday mean to half of the North American population?


For men, there isn't many things that are better in life then a day of football watching on a Sunday afternoon. Many girlfriends and wives wonder why we love it so much. It's simple. You have 11 massive men trying to take off the head of a scrawny little quarterback, while 10 others are trying to protect him. And when that wide receiver makes the big catch or that running back breaks for a 90 yard touchdown run, we get more excited then a girl who goes out for a day of shoe-shopping with her best friends.

Many men have also experienced football first-hand in high school or college. You may hear some of them talking about the “glory days” or “the big play” they once made. Football is a team sport and it brings best friends together.

We create chants, make up touch down celebrations and create handshakes in the name of the game. It's a great way for men to bond. Many of us look forward to sitting around a big-screen television screaming at it like our cheering will change the outcome of the game.

Football is often a great way to relieve stress from the week before. Sunday is a day of rest for most people anyways. It gives us something to look forward to on Sunday afternoons and something to bring up in conversation during the week.

So, next time you see a bunch of men screaming at the television or a group of overweight men with the letters T-I-T-A-N-S painted across their chest, just remember, it's a man thing.

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