F.A.T.S. Knows!
Each year, Fanshawe College enrolls a significant number of non-traditional students, often referred to as mature students. These students are people who may have taken a break after high school and worked before coming to college, been to university first, may be making a change in career because of a desire for more job satisfaction, or because of a recent lay off or job accident. Regardless of the reason, these students are unique and bring with them a rich knowledge of life and work experience.
Rhonda's story
There was a time when Rhonda found herself needing to return to school. She took the plunge and applied to Fanshawe College. She learnt, after being accepted, that there was a Mature Student Orientation session happening a few weeks prior to the beginning of classes in September. She signed up and as she puts it, “The doors opened from there.”
At the Orientation Session, held on a Saturday a few weeks before the fall semester, Rhonda met over 35 other mature students who had similar stories. She found out that she was not the only one who had, through life circumstances, returned to school as an adult learner, finding a way to a better future with greater potential for earnings.
Rhonda is happy to report that she is maintaining a 3.6 GPA during her first semester. She attributes much of her success to her determination to succeed and her willingness to ask for help while attending college. She approached the Learning and Testing Centre in A2019 when she discovered that her math skills, although excellent in High School, were rusty after so many years. She found the help that she received to be “empowering because the teacher patiently showed me, step by step, how to use my existing knowledge of basic math to learn new concepts relevant to my courses.”
Rhonda, like so many other mature students at Fanshawe College, has done very well academically. In addition to the services of the Learning and Testing Centre, other recent initiatives assist all students in achieving better grades. Regular study skills seminars, offered every day throughout the semester teach students how to succeed at multiple choice tests, learn how to study effectively, write essays and many other academic skills.
Orientation sessions
During the Mature Student Orientation sessions offered prior to the start of each semester, students are invited to attend the weekly Mature Student Lunch and Learn Series offered every Tuesday at noon. Guest speakers are invited to talk on a variety of topics including stress management, studying with children under foot, learning strategies, mind/body wellness, learning styles, a tour of the library and understanding how to use Fanshawe Online services. Mature students learn who their Student Success Advisors are and many have stated that they have availed themselves of the help that these Advisors provide.
It is the hope of Fanshawe College that all students succeed; however, there is recognition of the unique needs of the adult learner. These people come from all walks of life, and may have returned to school to pursue a career change brought about by a desire to improve their economic position, learn new skills due to a workplace injury or upgrade their existing skills.
The next Mature Student Orientation session, sponsored by the Counselling and Student Life Department will be held in F2010 on Saturday, December 15 in F2010 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The winter semester's Mature Student Lunch and Learn Series will begin on Tuesday, January 15 at 12 p.m. in A2008. All mature students are invited to attend.
Important dates: Lunch and Learn Series
January 15: Introduction and Welcome to Student Success Services — Candice Lawrence, Mature Student Advisor; Cheryl Mills, Student Success Advisor; and Janet Ostrom, Student Life Coordinator.
January 22: Study Skills, Student Success Advisors and Peer Tutoring — Cheryl Mills.
January 29: Time Management — Work Smarter, not Harder — Rick Madzia, Learning Strategist.
February 5: Relaxation/ Stress Management — Candice Lawrence.
February 12: Essay Writing Tips — Lynette Carmichael, Professor, Learning and Testing Centre.
February 19: Learning Styles/Personality Preferences — Anita O'Keefe, Counsellor.
February 26: INTER-EXAM WEEK — No speaker scheduled.
March 4: Exam/Test Taking Strategies — Rick Madzia
March 11: Mind/Body Wellness — Candice Lawrence, Fitness Centre Representative, if available.
March 18: Strategies for Success/Give us YOUR suggestions for improvement - Candice Lawrence or Janet Ostrom.
March 25: Career Tips for Success — Wendy Lycett
April 1: WRAP UP/CELEBRATION — Lunch and Refreshments provided. All invited.
Office of the Registrar
... We're working for you.
This column is a Student Success Initiative sponsored by Counselling and Student Life Services, Financial Aid and the Office of the Registrar.