Vote for next year's FSU

Polling booths throughout campus and online

As you may have noticed from the litany of posters plastering Fanshawe's London campus, it's FSU election time.

The big race, that being the presidential race, looks to actually be the most interesting this year, as there are four candidates in the running for the position. The candidates, whose full bio's can be accessed on the FSU website, include Michael Dren, Judith Grieve, Jonathan Hillis and Chris Walker.

The presidential debate, which was held in the Student Union building on March 5, provided the candidates with the opportunity to not only explain their platforms, but to also answer questions from the students who had gathered for the event.

But as the saying goes, the best laid plans often go awry, and in this case the debate was more of a group-hug, as mediator Ian Darling termed it, complete with a panda mascot to provide the ‘cute-and-cuddly' angle.

Amongst the big questions were those surrounding athletics spending, the implementation of the college's Code of Conduct off-campus, and the recent Career Fair protest. And on all but one subject did they agree with one-another.

The quartet agreed that the Code of Conduct should not, and logistically could not, be enforced off of school property by either the school or the London Police Services. When it came to the protest they all agreed that in principle it should be allowed, but that there's a right way to do so and that the FSU and college should work together to create a definite right way to do so.

The athletic funding was the only contested subject, and I use that term loosely, where Grieve questioned the amount of the FSU budget which has been used this past year. Hillis, the current VP of athletics, backed the spending citing the unforeseen costs for post-season tournaments, including provincials championships, that the teams incurred for doing well.

Even while they were disagreeing though, the four hopefuls were nothing if not respectable and complimentary to their opponent's. It almost makes one wish for a little bit of a scandal.

The other notable campaigns are between Nick Austin and Rachel Oakes for vice president external and Katie Dandeno and Rob McGarry for VP-internal. Jeff Burling, Aysha Dawood and Lauren Walton are all running uncontested for VP-entertainment, finance and athletics respectively.

Voting starts on Monday, March 10 at 9 a.m. and runs through Thursday, March 13 at 2 p.m. All students need to do to vote is log on to between those dates to cast their ballots electronically. Polling station will also be set up at high-traffic areas throughout the college.