Letter to the editor...

Disappointing debate

RE: FSU Election speeches held in Forwell Hall on Tuesday, March 4, 2008.

I was in attendance on Tuesday for the election speeches. Firstly, I would like to say that all of the people speaking looked and sounded great.

My issue is with the people that are talking. I feel that the FSU president, Travis Mazereeuw, should have known that too. He was interacting way too much during the candidates speeches, and cracking jokes where he shouldn't have been.

This didn't bother me as much as when he corrected Judith Grieve right after she spoke. It made her speech look like it was made up. Even if she made a mistake, it is not up to the president to make her feel stupid.

I just wanted to get that out, and I want to know if I am the only person who feels this way.

Danny Borocco

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