The FSU and Fanshawe College have announced plans for a new set of teaching awards to be handed out this spring.

“One of the things that I think really drives student success is good teaching,” said Robert Kitchen, a student success leader who's been pushing for the awards. “So a big part of what we're trying to do is recognize that good teaching. The people on the faculty who have done great things for their students.

“And it can be what they've done for one student, a group of students or even their entire class.”

“The college is looking to congratulate teachers who have been excellent contributors to college life,” continued FSU president Travis Mazereeuw. “The FSU supports that, and if that's needed to help ensure that these teachers continue here at Fanshawe then we're 100 per cent behind it.

“If you have a bad teacher, you'll have a bad student who'll have bad grades and somebody who doesn't want to be in the field anymore.”

According to Kitchen, the most important part of the awards is that it's not just based on student nominations, but the students get three of the five panel votes to decide on a winner.

“We're trying to make it accessible to students,” Kitchen continued. “There will be posters and a FanshaweOnline banner and we'll also be sending out an e-mail. I think it will kind of make it more open to students to send us an e-mail as opposed to the more formal approach.”

Nominations for the awards will start soon, Kitchen explained, so students are asked to keep an eye on their FanshaweOnline accounts for more information.