F.A.T.S. Knows!

I want to talk to a person on the phone!

Need to talk to a person? Here are some pointers that may help!

I think I know the name of the person I want to talk to.

Excellent! Call the automated attendant at 519.452.4430. When you say the name of the person or department you want, you're connected automatically, or you'll be transferred to the phone centre for help. Real people answer the phones, and they'll be able to direct your call.

If you're calling someone within the college, you can use the phones in the lobby of the Office of the Registrar. You can enter their four-digit extension, or call x4430, and say the name of the person or department you want to reach. It's free!

You can also call the Office of the Registrar directly. Call us at 519.452.4277 and we'll transfer your call. Feel free to take a minute to ask the person on the phone about your problem first — it may be that you have the wrong name to call, and they can help save you time — or even solve the problem on the spot.

F.A.T.SI don't know who I should call to help me.

Depending on your question, there are different people to talk to — but we can help! Call 519.452.4277, to reach a person. If you have your information handy, like your student number, or the piece of paper that is causing you concern, it really helps. We send lots of very specific information to students, and knowing what letter you received, or what email, or where you saw the information you have questions about — all that will help us find your solution quickly.

Can you give me some idea of who to call?

Sure! Here are some of the biggies:

- First, we're always glad to help you. Call us at 519.452.4277 and we'll do our very best — either to solve your problem on the spot, or to transfer you to someone who can. Or, when you're at school, drop by our office in E1012. Between us and your academic office, we handle everything about your academic record and fees.

- Financial aid, OSAP, living expenses, budgeting or other student money questions: 519.452.4280, or, visit us in E2020.

- Bus Pass: 519.452.4109, or, visit the Fanshawe Student Union on the second floor of the Student Centre.

- Graduation: www.fanshawec.ca/graduation, or call us at 519.452.4123 and talk to Justin.

- Applying for a program for September: www.ontariocolleges.ca, or, if you have questions about what program you might like, come to E1012 and talk to Cynthia or Cheryl.

I don't have time to waste waiting on the phone.

Depending on what you need, there are lots of places where you can get information 24/7.

For general questions: AskFanshawe (http://www.fanshawec.ca/AskFanshawe" target="_blank">www.fanshawec.ca/AskFanshawe). It works best if you enter a question, rather than just one word. If your question doesn't get an immediate answer that solves your problem, send it to our inquiry staff, and they'll get back to you promptly.


For your email messages, news, course material, and important information from the college: FanshaweOnline (www.fanshaweonline.ca).


For your timetable, grades, fee payments, updating your address, and registering for CE courses: WebAdvisor (www.fanshawec.ca/students/webservices.asp).

And honestly, we're pretty quick. Usually, we answer your call in seconds. During very busy times, like the start of term, it may take just a bit longer. Once you're in the queue, you'll hear music and a message so you know your call is still live. We'll answer your call as soon as we can — and we're real people!

I have a problem after hours — is anybody home?

We answer 519.452.4277 until 9 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Or, come by and see us — we're in E1012 — and we're happy to help.

Important Dates

Are you coming back to a new program in September? Don't forget to check your registration conditions on www.fanshawec.ca, and don't forget to make your minimum payment by July 8!

- Graduation is June 10-16.

- Intra-term days are June 23-27.

- Payment plan due date is June 27.

- Canada Day (college closed) is July 1.

- Second release of OSAP is July 2.
Fee payment deadline for Fall 2008 is July 8.

- Last date to withdraw without academic penalty (not get “F”) for most courses for the Summer 2008 term is July 21.

- Last date to apply for student assistance for Summer 2008 is July 25.

- Simcoe Day (college closed) is August 4.

- Classes end August 15.

- Exams are August 18-20.

Office of the Registrar
... We're working for you.

This column is a Student Success Initiative sponsored by Counselling and Student Life Services, Financial Aid and the Office of the Registrar.