Nine tips to reduce your risk

You are responsible for the safety and behaviour of your guests when hosting a party at your home, property or rental.

1. Avoid planning physical activities like swimming, skiing, snowmobiling and skating when you serve alcohol. People are more prone to accidents when they are drinking.

2. Have low-alcohol and alcohol-free cocktails and drinks available too.

3. Serve snacks. It is better to eat while drinking than to drink on an empty stomach. Try veggies, cheeses and light dips - they’re great and don’t make your guests thirsty, as salty, sweet or greasy foods do.

4. Be prepared for overnight guests. Get blankets, pillows and sleeping bags ready.

5. Mix drinks yourself instead of having an open bar. Avoid doubles. Guests usually drink more when they serve themselves.

6. Plan to deal with guests who drink too much. Ask someone to be prepared to help you before the party starts.

7. Find out how guests will be going home from your party. Be prepared to take car keys, and know who the designated drivers are. Have cash and phone numbers ready for taxis.

8. Stop serving alcohol a few hours before the party is over. Bring out more alcohol-free drinks and food.

9. Try to stay sober. You can stay on top of potential problems better when you can think clearly and act quickly.

For more information contact the Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention Team at the Middlesex-London Health Unit at 519-663-5317 ex. 2220
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