10 Things I know about you...Ladies, he's a spooner

Third year MIA student and FSU VP of Entertainment Jeff Burling is answering our questions this week.

1. Why are you here?
As a part of my plan to take over the world I figured Music Industry Arts would be a great place to start.

2. What was your life changing moment?
Other than meeting Laya Birtch, I would have to say my life changing moment somewhat revolves around puberty...it moved, waddaya know?

3. What music are you currently listening to?
Nothing! Ya it sucks, I lost my iPod in my own home late last month and have been feeling like a nicotine deprived chain smoker. I never realized how much I needed a soundtrack for everything I do...it's so empty inside without it. I did manage to get a hold of the new All That Remains album, which is really sweet...the song Two Weeks will be the death of me. I've also been hanging around Myspace a lot lately. Check out: Opeth, As I Lay Dying, I Wrestled a Bear Once, Dame (17 year old girls from Toronto who can rock), Street Pharmacy and the new Blind Melon.

4. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Not too sure, but I can tell you that if you're going to follow John Young into a hotel room (this already sounds bad) make sure the bathroom is either empty or the door is closed. Sorry Beef.

5. Who is your role model?
George Strombolopolous

6. Where in the world have you traveled?
Not as many places as I'd like. My parents used to take us on road trips with my three brothers when we were young. One summer we'd do the east coast of Canada, and the other the west. In the first grade we drove through the states to Arizona, which was pretty cool and I've hung out in Windermere, Florida on several occasions. Just last summer I went to Cancun with Breakaway Tours, which was probably the sweetest vacation of my life. It was a trip I always wanted to do but always found an excuse to put it off...definitely something I should have done sooner.

7. What was your first job?
I used to deliver newspapers for The Sault Star. That kind of sucked but in the winter I got to go door-to-door on my snowmobile, which either makes me lazy or just really cool. Other than that I managed the local Rotten Ronnies, otherwise known as McDouche, McNasty or ‘McDomp& Raunch&Puke...'

8. What would your last meal be?
Mmmmm Corn Bread. Haha but for seriously I think I would want Momma's roast beast with that gravy that only she gets right with those lump free mashed potatoes, bean casserole, and maybe some coconut shrimp and a big piece of steak medium rare marinated for days...oh and DQ ice cream cake for dessert.

9. What makes you uneasy?
Buying coffee at Tim Hortons on a weekend. Nothing against you students, its just the lifers know what a real teaspoon of sugar amounts to.

10. What is your passion?
Music, meeting new people, Laya Birtch, a.k.a my light nemesis, Carol Balzer with straight hair, kicking ass at stuff and wearing jogging pants on those really lazy Sunday afternoons...Lazy Mondays through Saturdays are welcome too. Oh and spooning... ya definitely love that too.
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