Zodiac Stargazer Horoscope

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You're having way too much fun, but you can't stop looking over your shoulder. Don't worry -- everyone else is enjoying this just as much as you are. This weekend might be the time you want to unveil everything.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You hoped for connection, but you got something entirely unexpected. Sometimes a change in plans is exactly the kick in the pants that you need to get started on finding something even better.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Food really can nourish the soul and revitalize you. Be attentive and generous in other areas of your life. The minor details hum with delight as you handle them.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Let film and video do their jobs and stop trying to freeze time through your own efforts. All things happen in cycles. The most enjoyable thing is to sit back and enjoy the ride to the fullest.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Something that was lost finds its way back to you. Never mind where you've been: It's much more exciting to consider what will happen next.

Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 22)
A new situation is more work than you expected. Male and female energy can still balance out, but it can be a challenge. Don't forget that you've accomplished something.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
You're dreading the worst when something happens. A new light dawns and burns away all that haze that's been clouding the skies. Forget your plans and see what else comes up.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
A surprising adventure goes in a slightly different direction. It's definitely not your last chance, but it is a unique opportunity. Let curiosity run away with you -- you'll have a great story when you get back.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Heroism happens whether or not the cameras are rolling. Being yourself is the most courageous act imaginable. By this weekend, your change for the better will be something that you can live as well as feel.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Time to get your head out of those piles of paper and head back out into the daylight. Go see what someone else is doing. You might just get a delightful surprise.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Break the flow, change direction and get rid of any old, unwanted baggage. You'll be surprised at how lighthearted you'll feel once you clear out that closet (literal or mental).

Pisces (Feb. 18 - March 20)
Now you've started something. Imitators create imperfect versions, but their efforts are a tribute to you. The future will look back on this time and favourably remember your name.
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