Sex galore: Health benefits to make note of

Time and time again we are reminded of the many great things behind having a fabulous sex life.

For instance, sex increases your brainpower; your heart rate and it can help you fight off nasty diseases and ailments.

The obvious one is how it makes individuals feel about themselves.

Today, as we can all agree is a stressful time in our lives so the obvious has become, how do we incorporate a fantastic sex life into our daily routines? Well, a task that may seem mind-boggling really isn't all that difficult if both parties involved make the proper effort. See how fast you realize what little effort will pay off in a big way.

All the health benefits will make you feel free and wonderful inside while at the same time help boost your self-confidence levels on a bigger scale. Sex in itself will not fulfill all your most desired needs, but who's to say it's not worth giving it a shot?

Sex is a stress reliever
We all know that a mind boggling romp may be just what the doctor ordered if your wish is to lower your blood pressure along with reducing your stress levels.

Sex boosts Immunity
Good sexual health may perhaps mean better physical health. If a person hits the sheets more than twice a week, then they may be linked with higher than average levels of antibody called immunoglobulin A or IGA, which can ultimately protect you from getting a nasty cold or other infections you could not be bothered with.

Sex burns calories
If you're in the sack for approximately 30 minutes, that'll burn about 85 calories, if you don't just lay there of course. Doesn't sound like much? Have 42 half-hour sessions and you will burn 3,570 calories, which is more than enough to burn off an entire pound. Sex is a great form of exercise!

Sex improves cardiovascular health
Some older folks may perceive sex as being a cause to enduring a stroke. That is entirely false, claim researchers in England. In fact, scientists found that frequency of sex is not associated with stroke when they analyzed 914 men whom they followed for a period of 20 years.

Sex boosts self esteem
The University of Texas researchers team has found that boosting self-esteem is one of 237 reasons why people engage in sexual activity. Great sex begins with inner self-esteem and if you're in a loving relationship, then sex only boosts it! Fantastic!

Sex improves intimacy
Having intercourse and orgasms increases the level of the hormone oxytocin, also known as the (love hormone) causing us to bond and build trust in our relationship.

Sex reduces pain
As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins start to kick in and your pain suddenly declines. So if you have a headache or perhaps experiencing those annoying PMS symptoms, notice how the pain is reduced after sex.

Sex reduces prostate cancer
Frequent ejaculations, especially for men in their 20's, may reduce your risk of prostate cancer later on in life. Living a longer, healthier life all of a sudden has more meaning.

Sex strengthens pelvic floor muscles
Women who do pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex experience great benefits. They will enjoy more pleasure during the deed and also strengthen the area while helping to minimize the risk of incontinence later on in life.

Sex helps you sleep better
According to research, the oxytocin that is released during sex promotes sleep. Have a great workout boys and girls!