Rawkin: Shack treated to an earful of screamo

Unable to attend Free New Music Friday Night at the Out Back Shack due to illness, I still thought it would be worthwhile reviewing the three bands websites and streaming audio.


The main act that played the Out Back Shack, BURNusBOTH, has a heavier metal feeling with screaming vocals. Looking on their Myspace and Facebook pages there was limited information on them. They did release their new EP Stray Bullets at the OBS on Friday, October 30 as part of their show. On www.reverbnation.com/burnusboth there is some information posted on the members of the band: Craig Blundell — vocals; Blair Stickle — guitar; Greg Hatchette — guitar; Matt Grady — bass; and Will Mulligan — drums.

They are a self-described metal/hardcore/rock band. I would also add screamo to the list of genres as they had mostly screaming vocals in all four tracks that I streamed.


The four songs from their Myspace page that I listened to are Caviar, Remember The Fallen, This Is Not A Step and Standing on the shoulders of Giants. All four songs had screaming vocals; which were surprisingly clear. With a huge majority of screamo it is often almost impossible to understand the lyrics that are being screamed in demonic voices. That is a huge appeal to this genre. I wouldn't say they were melodic, just more spoken or shouted to the music. The arrangement of the music was well done in some parts and in other parts didn't quite feel like it belonged in the same track. On Remember the Fallen, there is a point about two-thirds in where there is a brief pause and then a little silence and a tiny noise that felt like it didn't belong. All four songs follow the same heavy metal/screamo form that is being used widely right now. There isn't much variation but most heavy metal/hardcore/screamo fans will like the heaviness and the screamo.

The Jettison Commitment:

The Jettison Commitment or TJC is another heavy/progressive metal band with a touch of easy listening, again self-described by the band on their Myspace and Facebook pages. The have a sound that is similar to Alexisonfire, with the melodic parts and then heavy hard thrashing and screamo in your face; Question Number One is a good example of this. Other Songs streaming from their Myspace are Satin Finish, Cuts Hurt Kids, The Tides Rising and Double Rye & Coke. I think all of these songs portray this style very well.

Again I am disappointed that there is not a lot of information about the band on their pages. Their pages seem to be used more just for streaming audio and video. Sometimes this could be seen as an advantage and letting the music itself speak louder than words, but it can also turn people off when finding out simple information like names of the band members and a discography. Also Myspace makes it difficult to get in touch with the band because you need to be a member already.

What I like is the tight structure of their music. I don't know what they sound like live, but their tightness on the audio is fantastic! They have a clear vision of what they want to be stylistically and technically they seem to know what they are doing. I would give it a good listening to a few times over to get the whole vibe. Definitely worth checking out and their new EP is up for sale as well as other merchandise.

Del Asher:


This band is from St. Catherines, ON and is a bit of a contrast to the other two bands. Del Asher still has a full sound but feels a little more mainstream and not screamo. One thing that hit me right away listening to their streaming audio is that I have heard one of their songs before on FM96. That song is Close Enough To Say, and it has a lot of really cool elements in the song. It's a very well structured and has that sing along quality and memorable chorus and melody. The other songs on their streaming audio are: Wake Me Up, The Line, Until We Fall, Burn It Down, Take Me Home, A Real Disaster, and The First Stone. It's important to add that some of these songs are demos but they all sound professionally done and the songwriting and style is consistent throughout.

As for their sites and band information I was pleasantly surprised to find that they have actual information unlike the other two bands. Del Asher is made up of Julian Tomarin — vox/guitar; Matthew Charles Murphy — drums; Chris Charkowy — guitars/vox; and Travis Dundon — bass/vox. There is a slew of info that you can check out on both sites. I would say listen to Close Enough to Say first and then go from there.

All three bands have interesting elements that will appeal to most rock/punk/alternative/progressive and even hardcore fans. Del Asher definitely has a wider appeal with TJC close behind in second place. BURNusBOTH will have the most appeal with heavy metal and screamo followers.

As always any questions or comments email me and I'll do my best to accommodate all requests. Please take interest in and support your local talent and Canadian talent as they may be the NEXT BIG THING! Get their demos, and EP's and merchandise if you can afford to, might be worth something someday or might just end up being one of your own personal treasures! Until next week keep on RAWKIN!