Question of the Week

What do you think that wild parties that end up in the newspaper do to Fanshawe’s image?

Armand Muca   "I think it is ruining Fanshawe’s reputation and image. Students should be aware of the rep they are setting for the school."
- Armand Muca
Olga Espejo   "I think there are equally rowdy parties at Western. But I think Western has more money to protect their image."
- Olga Espejo
Susana Rodriguez   "I think it gives Fanshawe a bad image and a rep as a party school. No one will want to come here to get their education. They’ll just go to Western."
- Susana Rodriguez
Marten Girard   "I definitely think it’s destroying our image because it makes a joke out of Fanshawe."
- Marten Girard
Matteo Fanella   "I think the media has a big part in setting our image. I don’s think this reputation is passed on to students though. It’s up to each student to portray their own postive image."
- Matteo Fanella
Matthew Gatley   "I think that all this negative publicity affects all Fanshawe students. We are the ones who suffer from all of this."
- Matthew Gatley