10 Things I Know About You...Jessy likes hers Red Hot

Jessy Donn-Barkley is in her third year of fine art. She says about herself: “I'm a workaholic, I like to paint, read and listen to music. Odds are I'm smarter than you.”

1. Why are you here?
To continue my education and because I want to become a teacher in the future.

Jessy Donn-Barkley2. What was your life changing moment?
Still waiting for that moment to come.

3. What music are you currently listening to?
Right now I'm listening to Feed My Frankenstein by Alice Cooper.

4. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
“Stop worrying about STUPID BULLSHIT!” - My mother.

5. Who is your role model?
Bruce Willis

6. Where in the world have you traveled?

7. What was your first job?

8. What would your last meal be?
Frank's RED HOT sauce.

9. What makes you uneasy?
People that are vapid.

10. What is your passion?

Do you want Fanshawe to know 10 Things About you? Then just head on over here
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