Take the power back: Undermining capitalism

Many of you might already be familiar with “Buy Nothing Day,” the day we undermine capitalism and consumerism by refusing to shop. Well there is another day being organized to undermine capitalism this year. A network of disgruntled workers around the world are organizing and publicly promoting the first ever “Steal Something From Work Day.” I know you're probably thinking; “Isn't that everyday?” Workplace theft is commonplace, and happens far more often than shoplifting. Most workers participate to some degree already on a daily basis. I mean who doesn't at the bare minimum steal time on the clock?

According to organizers, “Steal Something From Work Day” isn't simply an appeal for more workplace theft on a particular day, but to destigmatize workplace theft in general, and politicize it. While some don't think of workplace theft as political, others equate it with widespread discontent with the capitalist model that never pays employees the full value of their labour. Even the chosen date is political; tax day (April 15). This is the day the government celebrates “Steal Something From YOU Day.”

It is easy to see why so many employees already engage in workplace theft. With bosses who work less but are paid much more, and corporate executives living lavish lifestyles on the sweat of their workers, most of us feel entitled to take whatever we can back. If we have no stake in the decisionmaking or success of some faceless corporation that exploits our labour in order to make profits for rich investors, why wouldn't we steal from work? In the U.K. 80 per cent of people questioned in a recent poll think it is OK to steal from work, and most agree it's OK to steal from “big faceless corporations.”

Another intended goal of “Steal Something From Work Day” is the ambitious project of stealing our workplaces themselves. If stealing from work becomes destigmatized the chances that misguided employees would snitch out their co-workers decreases. Even better, if employees start sharing the spoils with each other they will likely be able to build up enough trust with their co-workers in order to graduate from taking things from their workplaces to taking control of the workplaces themselves. This underground union of sorts could eventually end up firing the bosses and the corporate leeches making a buck (more like billions) at their expense.

According to their website; stealfromwork. crimethinc.com, organizers agree that stealing is immoral, but counter that until employees are paid the full value of their labour, stealing from work is actually a great way to take part in their fair earnings. Why shouldn't we take our fair share? Some would argue that it is illegal to steal from work, but that begs to question why is it legal for your workplace to steal from you by taking your labour and turning it into their profits while only cutting you in on a fraction? Historically and presently laws are designed to protect the wealth and property of the rich and to suppress the poor. Slavery used to be perfectly legal, did that make it right?

Also, even though it is political to steal from work, some of us really have no other choice. It is quite difficult to provide for the needs of yourself, let alone your family and community by working in the service industry. For many cheque-to-cheque workers today the only benefits they are entitled to is whatever they can take on the job. For restaurant and supermarket workers that means smaller grocery bills. For cashiers that means a “bonus” from the register every now and then. For office workers that could mean everything from paper clips to computers.

Remember if you don't steal from your workplace rich white men in suits certainly will. Whether its bankers, investors, or the government, in the capitalist system everyone is trying to steal the profits you generate through your hard work. The most logical thing to do would be to take your share before these sharks get their hands on it.

Also this day isn't only for the currently employed. If you're unemployed or retired simply go back to your former workplace and reclaim some of that hard-earned income they never paid you. Also, if your workplace is a homeless shelter or women's centre and not some big faceless corporation, it is likely just scraping by because the corporations are hogging all the resources, it might be time to make a visit to someone else's workplace.

We won't get our fair share with anything short of a revolution but until then we can at least take a portion of it back. If you don't steal from your boss, you're stealing from your family.

April 15 is Steal Something From Work Day!

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