Lawn parking now fined

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For those who enjoy playing a game of car Tetris in their driveways — stacking cars to maximize parking space — they can look forward to getting slapped with a fine when caught.

This past summer, London city council passed a by-law that fines residents $50 when they drive over their lawns to slot their cars into their driveways.

Council found this primarily occurs in student residences, said Bernie MacDonald, councilor for Ward 3.

“We need to stop rowdy students,” he said, adding that the landlord of such houses needs to consider the by-law now as well.

“If he rents a (house) that has a place for two cars, he needs to make students well-aware.”

The by-law does not affect those cars stacked in the driveway that have gotten there from direct access from the street and not over lawns, said MacDonald.

Violators should note they won't be able to bypass the fine either. When those individuals go to get their driver's license renewed, they won't be able to until they pay the fines from stacking cars.

MacDonald anticipates plenty of fines being doled out once the school year starts.

“From what I've seen around Western and Fanshawe, it's going to be easy pickings,” he said.