Kindness starts with FS(You)

Meredith Fraser said she believes kindness can change the world.

In fact, she believes this so strongly that during the month of October, she's encouraging the entire city of London to end hate by doing good deeds.

Fraser is the head of LUSO Community Services' anti-hate and anti-bias program. She began the 1,000 Acts of Kindness campaign last year. "The goal is to work toward ending hate by choosing to spread kindness instead," she explained.

"It's about making a choice in the moment: you can … invest in positivity … or negativity. Those opportunities come to us all the time," she said. "Those things add up ... and create change."

The 1,000 Acts campaign is "asking people to harness the transformative power of kindness and to end hate and discrimination. It's a power we all have," said Fraser.

The 1,000 Acts of Kindness campaign began last year, and the response was overwhelming. Fraser said over 52,000 good deeds were registered online during October in 2009. Though this year's goal is 10,000 good deeds across London, "It's a way of life, not just something you do (for one month)," said Fraser. "But it's nice to have a goal to strive for to keep folks motivated."

The Fanshawe Student Union always encourages kindness on campus, but will have the campaign run from October 18 to 31. The campus goal is to have 1,000 good deeds registered during the two weeks.

Sam Hodgson and Rachel Pray are second-year students in the recreation and leisure program. They are in a work-study placement in the FSU, and are heading the campaign on campus.

"We're going to promote awareness of random acts of kindness, just getting people into the habit of doing small things for other people to make yourself and the other people feel good about it," said Hodgson.

"We're going to have volunteer spotters around the school throughout the week, just watching people and taking a tally," explained Pray. A blog will be set up for students to register their good deeds throughout the week.

"We need about 20 volunteers," said Pray. "We're going to have a meeting with them on October 18, and there's a free pizza lunch."

For more information on LUSO's 1,000 Acts of Kindness campaign, or to register for the campaign, check out To volunteer or find out more about campaign on campus, visit the blog at or visit the Biz Booth to sign up.