What are you really drinking?

Cracking open a couple of cold ones or conversing over cocktails might be fun for your social life, but what's it doing to your waist? Maybe you already know what that drink means calorie-wise, but the more you have, the more you forget — and the more it adds up. You also already know that a night of drinking can lead to a lot of eating, which adds to the empty liquid calories. So, next time you decide to indulge, get an idea of what you're downing.

Here's the breakdown:

BEER: 153 calories from a bottle (12 fl oz.)
Sugars — none
Carbs — 12.6g

103 calories from a bottle (12 fl oz.)
Sugars — 0.3g
Carbs — 5.8g

WHITE WINE: 84 calories from one glass (3.5 oz)
Sugars — 1g
Carbs — 2.7g

RED WINE: 88 calories from one glass (3.5 oz)
Sugars — 0.6g
Carbs — 2.7g

VODKA CRANBERRY: about 140 calories (1.5 oz vodka, 8 ounces of cranberry juice) per drink
Sugars — Upwards of 30g
Carbs — Around 35g

RUM AND COKE (non-diet): 182 calories per drink
Sugars - Rum is low in sugar, but a can of Coke can have around 40g so it can add up to a lot.
Carbs — 13g

RUM AND COKE (DIET): 133 calories per drink
Sugars — no sugars but diet pop is often sweetened with artificial sweeteners, which you should be aware of.
Carbs — None

MOJITOS: up to 200 calories per drink
Sugars — Over 25g
Carbs — Can be upwards of 30g

MARTINI: about 70 calories per drink
Sugars — 0.1g
Carbs — 0.6g

COSMOPOLITAN (no orange peel): 213 calories per drink
Sugars — 11g
Carbs — 13g

CAESAR: 156 calories per drink
Sugars — 5.8g
Carbs — 20g

* Please note information differs depending on brand, bartender and how much you drink.