5 Questions: Biz Booth Supervisor Kevin Masterson

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1. What movie most resembles your life?
"I'd have to say the movie that most resembles my life is Toy Story. Except in my case they are different kinds of toys."

2. What's your most embarrassing childhood memory?
"My most embarrassing childhood memory is the day I realized my parents were Leaf fans. I'm still embarrassed for them to this day."

3. What's the last CD you listened to?
"The last CD I listened to was a children's Christmas CD in the car with my daughter."

4. What's your best memory at Fanshawe so far?
"My best memory at Fanshawe so far was July 8, 2006 — my wedding day held in the SUB Courtyard."

5. What's your perfect day like?
"My perfect day consists of spending time with my bride and our daughter. Plain, simple and awesome!"