Saving your poinsetta beyond the holiday

The botanical name for poinsettia (Christmas plant) is euphorbia pulcherrima. While we think of it as a flower, it is in actuality a shrub or small tree that has a height range from two to 16 feet. This beautiful plant is native to Mexico. Here are some tips to keep your poinsettias fresh for a long time after Christmas. Always place your poinsettia near the window where it can receive plenty of sunlight. Most of the time a west, east or south facing window is preferred. A cold breeze can damage the leaves so beware of draughts in these areas. Temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit should be maintained.

Watch for drooping leaves, this may be an indication that the plant needs water. Water your poinsettia only when it is dry. Normally, a plant should be watered about once every four to seven days. In very warm conditions, it might mean that you have to water more frequently and, of course, if it is sunny, the plant will dry out much faster.

When Christmas is over consider keeping the plant until next year. You start by watering the plant but only when it is needed. Then in April, start decreasing the amount of water given to the plant, but be careful as sometimes the stem begins to shrink which is an indication that the plant is dying. In May, cut the stems to four inches and then change the container and re-pot with fresh soil. Place the plant once again in sunshine and at a temperature of 65 to 75, and water plants whenever the surface of soil becomes dry to the touch.

In June, put the poinsettia outside in moderate sunlight and start fertilization using a balanced general purpose fertilizer such as 20- 20-20. By August, branches will grow requiring you to give it a light pruning, but keep watering and fertilizing. To force the plant to re-flower, you have to use artificial light, 11 hours of light and 13 hours of absolute darkness for about 10 weeks. By the last week of November, your plants should begin to develop the colourful bracts that we are all familiar with, finally stop fertilizing the plant in December but continue watering.