Love, Lust and Lies: A single girls guide to surviving the holidays

What do Christmas and Valentine's Day have in common, besides large red boxes filled with way too many calories? They both represent a time of the year when single people are made to feel sad about their relationship status. At least with Valentine's Day, you can hide in your house all day and avoid romantic couples that make you ill. During the holidays, you can't escape, you are forced to mingle with the outside world. Since the holidays are focused on family and relationships, it can get a little lonely when you're single.

Have you ever gone to a family dinner during the holidays and had that one uncle ask you, "Where is your boyfriend?" And then when you say you don't have one, he gives you that all-too-familiar look of pity, as if you just told him you have come down with a life-threatening disease, and says, "Oh ... well good for you." If you didn't feel bad about being single before, you might after that. Now I like to respond with "I just wasn't sure which one to bring." This won't get you a look of pity, that's for sure.

So even though most people feel lonely around the holidays, me included, I decided we need to start looking at the bright side of being single. So if you are one of those people that hate the holidays for this very reason, I am going to tell you four reasons why you should be happy.

First off, you get to save money! You are not obligated to spend hundreds of dollars on your boyfriend or girlfriend, and you can spend that extra money on yourself. If you want to go to Collingwood with your friends for News Year's Eve, with the money you save by being single — it's possible. If not, you can treat yourself to that beautiful Tiffany's bracelet that's always been a bit too pricey. If you buy it for yourself, you won't have to throw it to the bottom of your jewelry box when "the sweetest boyfriend ever," who got you that bracelet, is no longer in the picture next year.

Secondly, you only have to spend time with your own family. Everyone may love the food around the holidays, but I am sure, for most of us, it's not worth the awkward conversations that take place around the table. If your family has as much drama as mine does, I doubt you would be able to handle someone else's or even want to.

Furthermore, the holidays have the most social events all year. Not to mention New Year's Eve parties. This is the best time to mingle with other people and, since you are single, you have the freedom to go to these events and meet new people. You might find someone to keep you occupied for a month or just a couple of weeks.

Finally, my favourite reason: you can eat whatever you want. For example, you're at a holiday dinner, and you and your sister both want another slice of pie. She debates it. She's worried about gaining weight around the holidays because she has a boyfriend. She ends up not eating another piece, but that doesn't stop you. You eat that second piece and then the piece your sister was going to eat because you want it. You don't have to fit into a naughty Santa costume that night! So go ahead and eat as much as you want over the holidays.

Even though you can get lonely over the holidays when you see couples being happy and cute, just remember that this only lasts for a couple of weeks. If all else fails, remind yourself that the girl nestled cozily in her boyfriend's arms won't be able to eat the whole roof of a gingerbread house, but you can!