5 Questions with FSU Business Manager Paul Massé

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1. What's a service or event the FSU does that no one knows about?
"I think many students are unaware, but would be pleased to know, the FSU caters food services for all the graduation and awards events on campus."

2. What's your perfect day like?
"Pretty simple really... sunny and warm, golf with some friends, BBQ and some fun with friends and family after, likely involving a garage or campfire in Ilderton."

3. What's been your best memory at Fanshawe so far?
"The day I was offered a job with the FSU."

4. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
"Well, I would only do that for say the length of time to complete a round of golf... with really anyone teeing it up at Augusta Golf Club for that well-known tournament they have every April."

5. What's your most embarrassing childhood memory?
"Maybe when I scored my first goal in hockey. It took me a couple of years to do it. Although it was a goal pretty much by accident, I clearly remember celebrating like I won the Stanley Cup... the goal wasn't pretty, nor was the celebration."