Ambitious Dixon's got eyes on the prize

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Jordan Dixon is a third year basketball player and guard from Kitchener, Ontario. He's been playing basketball — and only basketball — for over a decade. "I have never played any other sport; basketball has always been my sport."

Dixon would like to take his basketball career as far as possible, and said he would love to play in the NBA or overseas. Dixon's favourite NBA player is Vince Carter, because, as Dixon said, "I don't follow teams, I follow players."

Before heading to the NBA, Dixon has a few shorter-term goals in mind. "I would like to graduate, win a provincial title and advance to the nationals."

Currently, he is currently enrolled in the recreation and leisure program because he likes being active and enjoys working with children.

Dixon has really enjoyed his time with the Falcons. "There are great guys on the team. We are very young, but we have a lot of potential, and we have a lot of fight in us."

The Falcons had an exhibition game against the Fanshawe Alumni two weeks ago. When asked how the game turned out, Dixon said, "It was good to see all of those old men back out on the court. It was a really good game."

The men's next home game is on Friday, January 28 at 8 p.m. against the Redeemer Royals.