Looking for God: an Ongoing Tale - Christianity in Narnia

“I have to admit that I thought your idea of sending people to preach God and peace instead of armies to solve problems seemed pretty strange to me.” Tamara begins this week's lunch conversation with Mitch.

“Well,” Mitch responds, “you're the one who brought it up.”

“As a joke.”

“What's funny about it? Is it any funnier than expecting peace to be the result of killing people? Besides, people do it. Remember some of the hostages taken in Iraq? A few were from Christian Peacemakers. They actually do travel to places unarmed, to be with victims and help create non-violent solutions to political problems.”

“Ok, I'll think about that some more. Anyway, I thought you might like to know that I went to see The Chronicles of Narnia the other night.”

“And why would I like to know that?”

“Well, isn't the original story written by a guy from Oxford who wanted to popularize God and faith?”

“That's true. C. S. Lewis was a devout member of the Anglican Church. He died in 1963; I don't think he expected to become as famous as he did. But during the last five decades he has become extremely popular. Like J. R. R. Tolkien, his friend actually, he has become a best selling author. Lewis was a professor of Renaissance Literature. He gave talks about Christian faith on the BBC for years and wrote. . . “

Luckily, thought Tamara, the server brought them their food at this point, sparing her what seemed like it was becoming a lecture on Lewis.

“So, what's the connection between The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and Christian faith? I mean, I take it there is a connection.”

“There are many, really.” Mitch thinks a moment and washes down a mouthful of food with a sip of water. “One of them is that the land of Narnia is filled with creatures who have heard stories, rumours, or reports that, though their world is caught in Winter (and “never Christmas”), it's not meant to be that way. They have heard that the world is meant for good, not evil. They are hoping desperately that the reign of the White Witch will come to the end it deserves.”

Tamara listens while she eats.

“So, there's a parallel here with the Christian view that our world is meant for good, even for glory, and that one day wars and every other kind of misery will come to an end.”

“And what about the Lion, Aslan?”

“Well, I think that Lewis chose the symbol of a Lion because in the Christian Bible, the ‘Lion of Judah' is powerful figure who comes to get rid of evil and bring about God's good things for the world.”

“I heard that Aslan represents Jesus Christ.”

“That's exactly how Lewis wanted it. Aslan, though he seemed to be absent from Narnia, always loved it and returned in strength to toss out the evil queen and bring freedom to all the inhabitants of the land. And that's a pretty good way to think of Christ. It's just that right now, we're all just waiting for his return.”

“Well, you are.”

“And a few others too.”

Continued next week.

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