Grade check-up: Finish the term strong

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It's that time of year again—no, I'm not talking about Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies, but exams and finals. Here at the Learning Centre, we have great advice to help you improve your grades. These are a few tips to follow when beginning to study for exams:

1. Be informed
- What will be covered: lectures, labs, readings?

- Is it cumulative or covering post-midterm material only?

- Have you been given any suggestions from the professor or faculty member?

- Can you access previous exams on file for review and practice?

- Put yourself in your professor's shoes: if you were creating the exam based on the content covered and course expectations, what would you include?

2. Learn to understand, not just memorize
- Exams aren't simply regurgitation of memorized facts; they often ask students to apply their knowledge. It is important that you really understand the content because it will be easier to apply it on exams.

- Think about the meaning of what you are trying to learn. How does it fit in with other aspects of your course?

- Look for connections and similarities between new course material and your personal knowledge. This makes it easier to relate to and understand.

3. Use Memory Techniques
- Use visual imagery representing the material learned to help you recall it easier. Try using graphic mind maps to connect information.

- Use acronyms. For example, HOMES for remembering the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior).

- Use rhyme. Think of the I before E except after C spelling rule.

Learn about these tips and more at The Learning Centre's Test Preparation & Test Taking Tips workshops running three times a week: Mondays (2 to 3 p.m.), Wednesdays (9 to 10 a.m.) and Thursdays (1 to 2 p.m.) beginning March 31 and running until April 14 in room A2008. These workshops are free for all and no registration is required!

If you cannot make it to one of the workshops, book an appointment to speak with Student Success Facilitator Samantha Diamond. You can email her: or call her: 519-452-4430 x 4726.

Whatever your academic goals are, let us help you reach them by sharing smart study strategies that will help you do better on exams. Remember, reviewing each day keeps cramming away!