Love, Lust and Lies: She's just not that into you

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There are countless articles and publications that give women advice about men. Ways to tell if he really likes you, or if he is just playing you for a fool. There is a book and movie that I am sure most of you have heard of called He's Just Not That Into You.

Whatever happened to writing a book called She's Just Not That Into You? As much as men like to admit that girls obsess over guys who don't want them, men can be just as obsessive. Also, men can be even more clueless when it comes to reading signs of attraction from the opposite sex. So I have put together some signs that she's just not that into you.

If she is flirting with you ... she probably wants something from you. A big misconception males have is that they think when a girl flirts it means she is attracted — WRONG. Women flirt all the time, sometimes not even realizing what they are doing. Other women, like me, know exactly what they are doing but can't help it. It's almost like second nature. So what you have to do is read her body language when she flirts: is she constantly trying to get closer to you, or is she slowly walking away trying to keep a distance? If the right body language isn't there, she isn't into you.

If she never initiates a conversation with you ... she doesn't want to talk to you. When a guy isn't into you, he stops returning your calls or responding to your messages. When a girl isn't into you, she still returns your calls and messages you back, mostly because she knows what it's like to be ignored by someone. The way to tell is how she responds. If she never initiates the conversation or she always keeps it short, never prolonging the discussion, she doesn't like you. She is just being nice; do not confuse this for anything more. Stop talking to her — if she likes you she will care enough to contact you.

If she never has time to hang out ... she just doesn't have time to hang out with you! If a girl really liked you in any kind of romantic way, she would squeeze you into her busy schedule. No question about it, if she is constantly too busy to make time to grab coffee or for you to meet her at work for lunch, she isn't into you. You should stop asking her to make plans and keep the little dignity you have left.

If she stops sleeping with you ... she isn't interested. Plain and simple, if you have already slept together and she all of a sudden makes up excuses to avoid it, it's either because she wasn't all that into it and thinks you would be better as friends or she's sleeping with someone else.

If she constantly makes last minute plans with you ... you're her last resort. If you are always waiting by your phone to confirm plans with a girl because she can't commit to anything in advance, it's because she is waiting for something better to come along. I know many of you think this happens to girls all the time, but doesn't really happen to guys. In reality, this happens to guys too — girls are just more open when it happens to them. Guys, on the other hand, are too embarrassed to ever admit that they waited for a girl, so they keep it to themselves.

If she says she is not looking for any type of relationship ... she just doesn't want one with you. Most of the time when a girl says she isn't looking for anything serious, it's her nice way of saying she doesn't like you but doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Plain and simple, she is just not interested, so stop calling or messaging her unless you want to push her to the point where she isn't so kind about her true feelings.

These are just some ways to tell if a girl is just not that into you. Guys, pay more attention to the signs before you become that annoying guy that every girl hates.