5 Questions with Brian Harness, FSU Food Service Director

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1. What's one thing we should know about you and one thing we shouldn't?
"I'll do anything for my friends and family and I'll do anything for friends and family!"

2. What's a service or event the FSU does that isn't well-known?
"FSU is a proud suppor ter of Peacekeeper Adventure Park, a park for physically and emotionally handicapped children."

3. What's something weird that's happened to you since you joined the FSU?
"I became a grandfather without having children ... twice!"

4. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
"I think I would like to switch with Anthony Bourdain - he gets to travel the world and try exotic foods in different countries and meet people of different cultures while still being himself."

5. What movie most resembles your life?
"I think a combination of Waiting and Grown Ups."