Meet your FSU executives

Kendra SauderVP Finance, Kendra Sauder
Hey Fanshawe!

As your VP Finance, I oversee the FSU budgets and help make decisions about fees that affect students!

I also get to help you, the students, apply for OSAP and other awards, bursaries and scholarships!

This year my goal is to get as much FREE MONEY into your hands as possible, through scholarships, bursaries, awards and grants! It's out there; you just need to know where to find it!

Stop by SC2001, call me at 519.452.4109 ext 6304, or email me at to see how you can apply for free money! Check out this site to apply and get more information bursaries, awards and scholarships!

Let's raise our glasses to a GREAT Year Fanshawe!

Emma NewmanVP Entertainment, Emma Newman
Hey Fanshawe!

My name is Emma NEWMAN, and I am your VP Entertainment for 2011-2012. Along with the rest of the FSU, I'm here to help make sure that all students at Fanshawe have an amazing experience and access to all the services the FSU offers.

My job is to create opportunities for students to get out and have a good time, so that instead of all work and no play, you can have the best of both worlds! I encourage everyone to get out to at least one event per semester (or many more if you can!) and see what we have to offer.

If you want to get in touch, you can find my contact info below! Feel free to let me know your ideas, wants and needs. If you want to get more involved in the entertainment around campus send me an email about the FU Crew to learn more!

The many ways I can be contacted:
Facebook: search for Emma Newman
Twitter: @VPEntertainment Social Network: search for Emma Newman
Phone: 519.452.4109 ext. 6303

Thanks all, and here's to keeping you entertained all year!

Sam SladeVP Internal, Sam Slade
Hey Fanshawe! I'm Sam Slade, your VP of Internal Affairs.

I'm a Fashion Merchandising graduate and am currently in Business Marketing. This is my fourth year at Fanshawe and I couldn't be happier to represent my fellow students. My duties as VP of Internal Affairs include; organizing awareness weeks, fundraisers, making sure the student health plan is properly implemented and I'm responsible for all the clubs within Fanshawe. I encourage you all to get involved in the fundraisers and events. If you have any questions or ideas I'd love to hear them!

Cheers to a good year guys.

Andrew PayneVP External, Andrew Payne
Hey Fanshawe, here we go again!

I'm thrilled to have been elected VP of External and Academic Affairs for the next year! A few duties of the position include liaising between the Student Union and other learning institutions, supporting students in any appeals they may have, and staying up-to-date on with provincial and community events. We have a fantastic team this year and I'm looking forward to executing our goals and having a good time in the process.

This is my fifth year attending Fanshawe having graduated from General Arts & Science, Music Industry Arts, and Audio Post Production. This year, I'll be studying in the school of Building Technology.

I can be reached at or 519.452.4109 ext. 6309.

Study hard, play harder.

VP Athletics & Residence Life
The Vice-President Athletics & Residence Life is responsible of overseeing the operation of all Intramural Athletic events and the Varsity Program. The Vice-President Athletics & Residence Life is also responsible for the execution of the Athletics Committee Agreement and to ensure a presence on the Athletics Committee. They are also to act as a contact between the FSU and Residence, in particular the Residence Council.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact Veronica Barahona at for more information.

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