5 Questions with Amanda Gall, Tourism and Hospitality SAC rep

1. What has been your best memory at Fanshawe so far?
Too many to choose from, and we're only coming to the end of (October) ... I was not as outgoing in high school, so I love how amazing the people at Fanshawe are. The place and time don't matter - it is never-ending fun.
2. If someone forced you to get a tattoo, what would it be and why?
It will be an Alice in Wonderland themed portrait tattoo of the Foster kids I cared for, no force necessary ... The novels were very special to me growing up, and the five girls I was lucky to have call me Mom will never be forgotten. I cannot think of a better way to keep a little part of them with me always.
3. Who is your celebrity crush?
Andrew Lee Potts
4. What's your most embarrassing childhood memory?
I used to be a serious tomboy, and it seems we hit puberty first, lol. In Grade 5, all of my guy pals and I hit a hot tub. I went to wet my hair back, and as I shot back out of the water, I lost my top...*seriously red in the face*
5. If your life was a TV show, what would your theme song be?
"Accidentally in Love" by Counting Crows because I fall for a random place or person and it always leads to something unexpected ... also it has a dancing animated bunny in its video, lol.