Sweet treat that won't destroy your diet

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When January rolls around, New Year's resolutions usually lead to major dieting. But that doesn't mean that you have to go without the sweet stuff that everyone craves. These meringues will kick your sugar craving and won't derail your diet. This recipe makes 12 to 16 meringues. You'll need:

- zest from 2 oranges
- 1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp. slivered almonds
- 1/2 cup egg whites (equal to about 4 lg eggs, but I buy whites in the carton)
- 1 tsp. cream of tartar
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 1 cup super fine sugar

1. Start by toasting your almonds. Place your almonds in a small pan over low heat and cook them slowly for about 5 minutes. Toss them frequently as they cook. When the edges start to brown and they begin to smell nutty, transfer them to a bowl immediately to cool.

2. Preheat your oven to 250°F.

3. In a large metal bowl, beat your egg whites and cream of tartar with an electric beater on medium speed until soft peaks begin to form. The egg whites should be foamy, and the peaks should fall over when you lift the beater.

4. Add the vanilla, and continue to beat on high. One tablespoon at a time, add the sugar to the mixture. Continue beating on high until stiff peaks form. You'll know the mixture is ready when you can lift the beater out of the mixture and a stiff, glossy peak stays standing.

5. Gently fold in your almonds and orange zest, reserving 1 tbsp of each for garnish. Be careful not to overwork the mixture or the meringues will get tough.

6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and drop spoonfuls of the mixture (about 1/4 cup each) 1 inch apart. Sprinkle each dollop with a few toasted almonds and some orange zest.

7. Bake the meringues in the middle rack of your oven for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on how crunchy you want them.

These light and airy treats will keep in an airtight container for about a week. They are a cheap and easy solution for the sweet tooth who's looking to shed a few pounds for bikini season. Happy baking!