10 Things I Know About You... Wemigwans a chatterbox

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Liz Wemigwans is in her first year of the Social Service Worker program. "I am outgoing, fun, enthusiastic, supportive, caring, exciting, loving and happy all the time," said Wemigwans. "My favourite food is ribs, cheese and cheesecake (nom nom nom). I love my boyfriend a lot. Most of our close friends know this."

1. Why are you here?
I am going to school because I want to help change the world.

2. What was your life-changing moment?
Everything in my life is life changing, and my life inspires me to do bigger things.

3. What music are you currently listening to?
Florence + The Machine "Dog Days Are Over;" Foster The People "Pumped Up Kicks;" and Rihanna's "We Found Love."

4. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Q-TIP (Quit Taking It Personally). Best advice ever!

5. Who is your role model?
To be honest, I like to think myself, because nobody else is going to do what I want to do in life unless I do it.

6. Where in the world have you travelled?
I have been to New York City and I'm going to Florida in March.

7. What was your first job?
When I was 14 I worked at Wendy's. I only worked there for two weeks.

8. What would your last meal be?
Whatever my boyfriend cooks because he's in Culinary Arts, and everything he makes is yummy.

9. What makes you uneasy?
Bus drivers that are mean!

10. What is your passion?
Travelling, music and talking. I talk a lot.

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