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Valentine's Day: the day that couples love and singles hate. Valentine's Day is dreaded or loved; it's a day when people complain or walk around with a smile on their face. I used to hate Valentine's Day, but I think it's because I've never really truly understood the meaning of it.

You may be wondering how this relates to fashion. Well, something about fashion that nobody ever considers is that fashion is about loving something; people work in fashion because they love it. People always think that fashion is about making the less fashionable people feel worse about themselves, but the truth is that fashion is about love and spreading that love.

Although it may sound ridiculous that people in fashion want to spread the love, we really do. I (and we) want everyone to feel confident and good about themselves. But the thing about love that we never really think about is that we need to love ourselves before someone can love us. We also need to love ourselves before we can move forward with fashion: this is a lesson that I've learned from personal experience. I'll be honest in saying that I haven't always been the most confident person and I always wore safe things, plain t-shirts and clothing that tried to blend me in with everyone else. What I never really realized was that these clothes got me noticed, but I was noticed as someone else. Growing into our own and starting to love ourselves, we begin to make new fashion choices. We begin to recognize that getting noticed is and can be a good thing, as long as when we get noticed we make a good impression on those around us.

I think that the love we have needs to start within and then work its way out. This Valentine's Day, I want you to look at the love you're giving to yourself and others, not the love you're receiving.

Physical or Not: Every day, I want you to look at yourself in a mirror and find something you like. Whether it's the colour of your hair, the shape of your nails or your super sexy curves, find something. Then I want you to close your eyes and think of something great that you've done. If it's a test you did really well on or the effort you put into keeping in touch with someone, you need to realize that you're great and you have something to offer.

Everyone's the Same: You need to recognize that everyone is special, so don't go walking around thinking you're the only one who's amazing. Everyone has something to offer, and while you may be completely convinced that they don't, you're wrong. Lately I've been trying to find something I find truly special about everyone — finding an honest compliment and then sharing it with them. I want everyone to feel better about themselves. I feel as though we don't compliment each other enough; maybe if we did, we'd all have fewer problems.

Shape Shifter: Fashion is a shape shifter, I feel as though love is a huge part of the industry. We need to realize that love comes in different forms. Fashion requires us to love ourselves, and this will encourage us to take risks. Once we realize that people are walking around thinking enough about themselves, we'll realize we can break free from our insecurities and be fully confident. When you're making fashion choices that you may be worried about, realize that you look good. You're beautiful and you were attracted to your initial choice for a reason. Many girls change a hundred times a day before they find the outfit they want to wear. I dare you to wear the first thing you put on. See what happens.

You're beautiful and this Valentine's Day, take some time to give a little love instead of worrying about receiving it. Love yourself and love others; karma will eventually reward you.