Health, Body and Fitness: Foods to boost your immune system

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In the height of cold and flu season, we are constantly made aware of the importance of proper handwashing, coughing into our elbows and not going to work sick. However, you are what you eat, right? A healthy, well-balanced diet can go a long way, and there are some delicious — and nutritious — foods that you may want to incorporate into your diet to help strengthen your immune defences. Here are my top five food recommendations to help you kiss cold and flu season goodbye this winter:

Oranges: Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, which increases the body's production of white blood cells. When Mom says to drink that glass of OJ when you're under the weather, it would be a wise decision to listen.

Yogurt: It will help you maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in your gut, acting as a delicious probiotic boost. Try topping it off with some granola and fresh berries for an extra powerful antioxidant boost.

Broccoli: A true superfood, it is packed with vitamin A, which helps to fight infections and destroy bacteria. Try other dark green, leafy veggies as well, such as spinach and kale, for an extra good-for-you energy boost.

Beans: High in fibre and antiinflammatory protein, beans are well known for strengthening immune systems. Try lima beans and kidney beans to receive the maximum amount of fibre for your body.

Garlic: It may not be a breathbooster, but it does contribute to a healthy immune system. Garlic is known to fight off viral, bacterial and fungal infections due to its strong antioxidant powers.

With winter in full swing and spring just around the corner, be sure to load up on vitamin-packed, antioxidant superfoods — no one wants to head toward the end of the school year with cold and flu symptoms!