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There are many things you can do to avoid back pain, such as bending your legs when lifting and getting into a regular exercise routine.

Q. How do I avoid lower back pain?

A. To avoid lower back pain, you want to avoid lifting by bending your back; use your legs to lift as this will help to prevent both acute back problems and future chronic pain. You should also concentrate on your posture — focus on keeping your spine straight when standing and even when you are in a seated position.

Furthermore, exercise is a great way to prevent lower back pain. There is a direct relationship between back pain and physical activity volume; someone who does less physical activity generally has more back pain, and someone with more back pain does less physical activity. Break this cycle by getting outside and go for a walk — increase your aerobic physical activity minutes per week (e.g. walk, bike, take the stairs, swim). Also, improve your posture by increasing the muscular endurance of your core muscles and stretch your full body daily. Aerobic physical activity, muscular endurance and flexibility will not only help you to prevent lower back pain, you will also prevent injury in general, you will improve your posture, you will increase your energy and you will maintain mobility as you age.

Submitted by Jaydip Dhakan and Kedar Upadhyay.