Sweet Tweets of the Week

I say we skip the next three weeks of school and start Christmas break. #butthatsjustme

Get #research help from home! @ askOntario & @FanshaweLibrary staff are online right now to help you http://ow.ly/eWwqY #Fanshawe

@mwickett Esports recognized at a campus level is a dream of mine. I would love to assist in that movement. #Fanshawe could be the first!

To all those people wanting #joefontana to leave office or resign. He won't do it, he is stubborn, and he showed that on Thursday. #ldnont

ALL #Fanshawe & #WesternU students get a free student membership with us! Come build your contacts! Register here: http://goo.gl/kdVQ3

I can't state this enough. Asking the mayor to step aside temporarily IS NOT a presumption of guilt. Not at all. #ldnont

@late2game I don't want to watch the citizens of #LdnOnt convict a person before having the opportunity to present their case in court.

Stressed about finishing your assignments or exams? Check out the iCopeu Mental Health guide for some helpful resources...

Value village. You are amazing. #fanshawe pic.twitter.com/vF7Vf24u

#funshawe is full of some really dirty moustaches!! #Movember

my first day of Christmas shopping & im already broke #idc my friends are worth it <3

"The holidays are a time when people are lonely and desperate. Its the most wonderful time of the year." #HIMYM