Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: ERIKA FAUST
The Live Chic store in F building is run by Fashion Merchandising students and has a variety of nifty goodies on offer.

You may have noticed the adorable little shop right next to the bookstore on campus. This is Live Chic, the boutique run entirely by the second year Fashion Merchandising students! This boutique sells everything from jewellery and handbags to flasks and glasses and everything in between.

The store opened in September 2011 and is now used as a learning tool for students and faculty. After graduating from the program, some of the Fashion Merchandising students reported they were having a hard time finding a job without having any kind of retail experience, so the faculty opened the store to give the students a chance to explore what it is really like to work in a retail environment. Graduates of the program are also encouraged to put their experience at Live Chic on their resumes, and all of the staff members have been more than willing to give a reference.

This system has proven very successful. Students get an opportunity to work in all areas of Live Chic throughout their shifts: they hone their customer service skills, they merchandise the store and also purchase new products. The students are marked on how well they work in the store, and it goes towards their final grade.

The main goal of the store is to give the Fashion Merchandising students a chance to see what it is really like to work in a retail environment for the first time. And for those who already have a retail experience, this is a more behindthe- scenes look at how a boutique operates.

Melissa Weiler, a second-year Fashion Merchandising student, said, "I have really enjoyed my time working at Live Chic. I have had several years of retail experience previous to this, but this was a very different work environment. Working here, I was given the chance to create my own displays and merchandise them in my own way. Also, being able to actually purchase merchandise for the store made me feel more a part of the school. I had an excellent time working at Live Chic and I think the entire idea of having a studentrun store within the school is extremely beneficial for everyone in the Fashion Merchandising program."

What started out as a way to gain retail experience has developed into an extremely useful tool for the Fanshawe Fashion Merchandising students. It also has become a new and exciting way for the students and faculty to interact with one another.

Live Chic is extremely up to date with all the latest trends, brands and styles. Everything they have in store would make a perfect gift for any occasion. But don't forget to do a little shopping for yourself, too! Next time you're walking past Live Chic, stop in for a bit — you will be sure to walk out with a great purchase.