Sweet Tweets of the Week

Instructions for #fanshawe students re: claming LTC pass on taxes http://bit.ly/11m9Uzt

It's not too late! Check out the all bursaries still open at http://www.fanshawebursaries.ca #fanshawe #money

if you read this you're my valentines no take backs

Shouts out to the girl absolutely punishing a 1L Pepsi at 8 am. Gettin fired up for this test I guess #eatcleantraindirty

DNA from London family helped identify Richard III remains | The London Free Press - http://ow.ly/hqWIL #LdnOnt

Way to go Fanshawe! We are happy to announce that $112,805 was raised for the United Way! #fanshawe #community @FanshaweCollege @FanshaweSU

For valentines day I'm just gonna buy a shit load of chocolate and lay in my bed and watch Netflix

Hey london weather... Make a decision #hot #cold #whoknows #fanshaweprobs

#LdnOnt is trending across Canada right now. That's right, it's CANADA'S LONDON! #TheBigShow

A former #LdnOnt politician convicted of corruption to receive Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award. http://bit.ly/WL4WaQ

#ldnont,its chilly out this a.m. Dogs kept lifting paws while trying to pee#notaneasytask

February is HEART MONTH. Bring your parents or grands for a complimentary brunch Feb. 24th 11:30 am Royalcliffe Retirement Residence #ldnont