Sweet Tweets of the Week

Super excited for the SRID... 27 innovative ideas come and have a look on April 3, 2013 #Fanshawe

As the opening of Target approaches, please consider continuing to support Canadian retailers and local shops. #ldnont

What makes you happy in this city? #changeofview #ldnont

At last check the @canadaslondon Instagram had 973 pics! I say keep it going! Add #canadaslondon to your #LdnOnt pics to be included.

#ldnont's newest company has officially launched! You can now purchase @Coleandparker socks!!! http://tinyurl.com/cvc57aq

New blog post: What The World Gave Us - http://zone0fsilence.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/what-the-world-gave-us/ #ldnont #FSWorlds2013 #community

I think we've had more snowy days in the last week, in #LdnOnt than we had in all of Nov. Dec. and Jan. this year. #weather #snow

There is no I in "team," but there is in "live." @jeffpreston shares learning from catastrophic illness: http://bit.ly/143s2hu

After work today, I'll be stopping by the London Food Co-op. By far the coolest place in #ldnont without twitter.

London Ontario has to be the fur-trimmed hood capital of ontario #LdnOnt

Looking for #meatless burritos? We have a few options to choose from. #ldnont pic.twitter.com/YgRJCrqMYz

Can I get off class already? I need to go to the new Target! #ldnont

flip cups, not cars #western #fanshawe