10 Things I Know About You: Don't pronounce Karolina's name wrong!

Header image for Interrobang article Karolina Kayy making the world a better place.

Karolina Kayy is in her first year of Fanshawe's Graphic Design program. “Karolina, pronounced Kare-Oh-Lean-AH!” she said. Her interests include travel, design, photography, witty sayings, inspirational quotes and “being a better person than the one you were yesterday.”

1. Why are you here?
To get an education.

2. What was your life-changing moment?
When I was born, probably.

3. What music are you currently listening to?
Classic rock — always.

4. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
It's cliché, but be yourself!

5. Who is your role model?
Don't have one!

6. Where in the world have you travelled?
I've been to Poland, Cuba, United States of America.

7. What was your first job?
Gymnastics coach.

8. What would your last meal be?
Wow, I'm just going to say potatoes and not give it too much thought.

9. What makes you uneasy?
Anything to do with being high, so heights.

10. What is your passion?
Making the world a beautiful place through photography, design, art and kindness.

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